The PATH Clinic was originally funded in 2006 by the Hawaii State Legislature as a perinatal clinic to support pregnant women dealing with substance-use issues. In 2011, Waikiki Health assumed operation of the clinic and expanded its services to include primary medical care for women and their children. Together with its partner agency, The Salvation Army Family Treatment Services (SAFTS), the PATH Clinic has created a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to meeting the care needs of women facing the challenges of addiction. SAFTS is the only residential treatment center in the state where women can have their children reside with them during substance-use treatment.
Recognizing the extraordinary work the PATH Clinic does to bring health and healing to one of Hawaii’s most vulnerable populations, Mutual of America named Waikiki Health’s PATH Clinic as its 2015 Community Partnership national award-winning program. Since the announcement of this prestigious award, the PATH Clinic has grown in its ability to serve the healthcare needs of families affected by addiction.
“The Community Partnership Award and the incredible video Mutual of America created for us have given us a higher level of visibility and credibility,” said Mary Beth Lohman, Director of Marketing and Development for Waikiki Health. “To meet the increasing demand for our services, we increased our staff and expanded our hours. So, what began as a small clinic is now a robust program, which served 750 patients over 3,045 separate visits in 2020 alone. Mahalo to Mutual of America for their support of the work we’re doing to help improve women’s and children’s lives.”